10 Tips to Generate More Social Media Traffic



10 Tips to Generate More Social Media Traffic



1. Post links to your blog posts2. Create and join groups and communities 3. Engage!4. Join Different Social Networks5. Work on your profile6. Join some of the lesser-known social networks7. Post at the right time8. Post Regularly9. Add social sharing buttons to each of your blog posts10. Use hashtagsAre there any questions left?

With the right strategy, social media is a great way to get new traffic. The best part? You can count on visitors coming into your site every day! But don't let it fool you - this type of work takes time and requires serious dedication in order for results to stay long term.
With the tips in this article, you will have more traffic and followers. You'll also get social media engagement; build relationships with your audience by reaching out to them on different platforms like Facebook or Twitter - it doesn't matter where they are! And finally - establish yourself as an expert!
The great thing about social media is that you can apply similar techniques across different networks. Twitter and Facebook, for example, might not share anything in common other than being a platform for connecting with others online, but at the end of day posting quality content will always get your traffic up.
Here are some of the methods you may use to boost your social media traffic:

1. Post links to your blog posts

Internally and externally, your social media profiles are a great way to share information with the world. Share new blog posts or articles on these channels so that others can find them too! Pinning valuable resources is an easy way of getting traffic from Twitter's #newbie account.
To make your post more engaging, you should include an introduction that tells people about the article or resource they are about to read. You can also ask a question before posting, so to not only receive engagement, but traffic too!

2. Create and join groups and communities

Joining communities on social networks can be a great way to get traffic for your business. If you have the time, start by creating an original group, and then join other similar-themed ones so as not to spam everyone with everything under the sun! Make sure they're active - meaning people are constantly contributing - and don't forget about posting photos or videos frequently; this will help keep members interested.
Instead of posting links in only one group, you can create an account and post updates to multiple groups. However, it’s important that when posting sales-related content, or information about new products to make sure not to focus too heavily on these; rather, engage with other community members by sharing interesting articles from publications they may enjoy reading!

3. Engage!

The key to social media success is engagement. By interacting regularly with other people on your network, you will attract more traffic and build up followers for yourself in no time at all! Engagement means commenting, liking, sharing posts from others, which can lead them towards checking out what’s going on right here - as well as asking questions when needed, so community members feel welcome.

4. Join Different Social Networks

If you want to get the most out of your social media marketing efforts, it’s important not just to use one platform, but several. We personally believe in trying different networks and seeing what brings traffic!

5. Work on your profile

From your social networks to the website you're most commonly found on, a complete profile is key. Spend time making sure that all relevant categories and fields are complete with links leading back towards what makes YOU important: your content! On LinkedIn, you have the option to personalize your links. It’s very easy to do, and can make a big difference, as seeing “company website” might not entice lots of people to click on it.

6. Join some of the lesser-known social networks

The smaller and more niche social networks can be great sources of traffic for your business.
The best way to get more traffic is by promoting your content on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But if you don't have time for this, then we recommend checking out some smaller networks, such as Tumblr, where it's easier to share what you make!

7. Post at the right time

Posting on social media is a juggling game. You need to find the right time that works for you and your followers, but there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to this part of marketing! The beauty about networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter though? They have fans from everywhere in the world, there will always be someone reading your posts.
Even though different studies show the best times for posting updates on social media, try out different calendar dates and see which ones get you more engagement. You can then use scheduling tools to make sure your posts go at those exact times.

8. Post Regularly

If you want traffic from social media, it’s important to post regularly and engage constantly. You won't get a lot of followers unless your posts are interesting enough for them (preferably daily or at least during weekdays). It's also necessary not to be too sales-y when posting links - try including images, videos, text as well!

9. Add social sharing buttons to each of your blog posts

Sharing your articles with friends and followers is a great way to increase not only the number of people who see what you have posted, but also their interest in reading more. All it takes are just two minutes for them to be able to share one link on Facebook or Twitter- which could potentially lead an entirely new audience member into becoming consciously engaged readers.

10. Use hashtags

Hashtag fever has hit the mainstream! You can now hashtag your social media updates to grow traffic. We recommend using no more than two tags per post, as too many will make some people feel excluded from what's going on in a conversation or group chat where they might have something relevant to contribute - like their own personal life experiences. If you want your updates to be seen by more people, try using popular hashtags. They will have better chances of getting noticed when there's a trending topic at the time!

Are there any questions left?

We are InstaJet.io - a service that helps advertisers find their audience through integrations with bloggers, handpicked by our team. All you need to do is make a profile on our website, and start picking influencers that fit your brand - hundreds of them in one place, eager for cooperation!
Any more questions? Please contact our technical support via the website or email info@instajet.io. We will be happy to help!