10 Ways to Promote an Infographic



10 Ways to Promote an Infographic



1. Encourage sharing2. Create a video3. Share your infographic on content curation websites4. Make it easy to embed5. Tease your audience6. Promote on social media7. Optimize your infographic8. Submit your infographic to directories9. Translate your infographic10. Send the infographic to your listAre there any questions left?

Whether it's on Facebook or your company blog, infographics are all the rage right now. We've been telling people about these incredible pieces of information design for a while and they're still as popular as ever!
This is why you need to invest in an infographic marketing plan. With the right strategy, your beautiful yet subtle design will be seen by as many people as possible with quality backlinks and shares - all while generating some serious buzz!
Please note that creating an infographic is hard work! And once you’ve created one, the promotion begins.
First of all, we recommend you put the infographic on your website so it has a "home" and can link back to your site. The best way is to post it as a blog with a short introduction. Here are ten ways you can use to promote your infographic.

1. Encourage sharing

Sharing an infographic is a great way to promote your own content, and it's even better when you can make people share their favorite infographics with friends.
So, you want to grow your social media shares? The best way to do this is by using a simple yet effective technique called "social sharing." All it takes are some quick changes in how we share information online. For example: include an attractive design and all of sudden people will find themselves wanting more! They'll browse through whatever content or posts on their favorite platforms because they're fascinated by what's being shown off from one user-friendly platform after another.

2. Create a video

The Internet is full of images and videos, so it's no wonder people love them. If you want to get your content shared even more on social networks like Facebook or Twitter, then try making a video version! Share with the audience via Youtube for an exciting experience that will keep viewers interested in what comes next - whether its music added into the mix during production time (this gives off good vibes!), someone reading each slide aloud while showing visuals alongside their words- these little touches can go miles when reaching out across platforms.

3. Share your infographic on content curation websites

If you want to get your infographic seen by more people, then it's best to not submit them on just one website. You can try submitting the document through various content curation sites such as ScoopIt or Phink It! There are tons of these types of websites, and they're all pretty straightforward in terms of processing - they accept submissions from individuals like yourself, who have created great infographics so that other users may also enjoy them.

4. Make it easy to embed

The infographic world is a competitive one. But if you're looking for more quality backlinks, then it’s important to make sure that your content gets shared by others and linked from their websites or blogs, so they can get credit too! Embedding an infographic on another website should always be easy as pie, because no one wants difficult paperwork when all we want is access to our beautiful data in charts & graphs format.
The perfect way to share this infographic on your website is by providing an embed code that will benefit everyone involved. You'll be able to easily post it and I get credit for all of my hard work!

5. Tease your audience

Promote your infographic by creating two different versions. The full, normal version and a “teaser” that only shows snippets of the infographic to entice people into coming back for more!

6. Promote on social media

Infographics are extremely shareable and the more people sharing it on social media, means better for your business. Take to all major networks (at least) such as Facebook or Twitter; start promoting heavily: tweet about them, post memes using these graphics via Instagram - don't forget Pinterest, which has become an infographic heaven!
Make sure you include calls to action in your tweets and posts so people can easily share with their friends. Leave enough space for retweeting without leaving anything important out!

7. Optimize your infographic

The more keywords you include in your infographic, the better! This will help people find it on search engines. It’s also a good idea to think of ways that they can share it with their friends and family, so they could learn some cool information too.
Remember, keyword search is the key to making your infographic rank well on Google!

8. Submit your infographic to directories

In the age of social media and online content, it's easy to miss out on great visualizations that can be shared across networks. There are plenty of sites for you to find interesting infographics without any trouble at all--just input your search term into their respective search bar then wait patiently as these amazing infographics come flooding in one after another.

9. Translate your infographic

If you are looking to increase the reach and popularity of your content, it is important that all relevant international audiences are able to understand what they read or watched. Translating an infographic can give people from other countries access, which will result in much higher viewer numbers.

10. Send the infographic to your list

One of our favorite things about blogging is that it allows to connect with readers. Sometimes, when one’s writing an article or creating infographics, they'll receive a quick email from their subscribers list letting them know about something new on the site! This not only generates traffic back, but can encourage more engagement, because these are people who already appreciate what you have created- so thank your loyal fans by showing appreciation.

Are there any questions left?

We are InstaJet.io - a service that helps advertisers find their audience through integrations with bloggers, handpicked by our team. All you need to do is make a profile on our website, and start picking influencers that fit your brand - hundreds of them in one place, eager for cooperation!
Any more questions? Please contact our technical support via the website or email info@instajet.io. We will be happy to help!