Where to Find Influencers for B2B Marketing



Where to Find Influencers for B2B Marketing



Tips for Finding the Right InfluencersTools to Verify InfluencersManual VerificationSumming UpAny questions left?

Influencer marketing has become an integral part of many B2B marketing strategies. The right choice of influencer can help you expand your reach, build brand credibility, and increase conversions. However, finding the right influencer can be a challenging task, especially if you're new to the game. In this article, we'll cover some tips and tools to help you find the right influencers for your B2B marketing campaigns.

Tips for Finding the Right Influencers

Your choice of influencer depends on various factors, such as the platform, popularity, blogger content, and style. Here are some tips to help you find the right influencers:

Choose the right platform: According to the Influencer Research Marketing Hub, 68% of companies choose Instagram as their top platform for influencer marketing. TikTok comes in second, with 45% of brands using the social network to work with influencers.

Define your criteria: Before looking for influencers, define your criteria based on the platform, popularity, blogger content, and style.

Search with hashtags: Use hashtags to search for influencers from specific cities or with a specific focus. For instance, you can use hashtags like #blogerlondon, #fitnessnutrition, or #fitnesstrainer.

Use special services and exchanges: Advertising exchanges InstaJet.io can help you find and collect a set of influencers for advertising, with prices and information usually provided.

Tools to Verify Influencers

Once you've found potential influencers, you'll need to verify their accounts to ensure that they're genuine and can deliver the results you need. Here are some tools to help you verify influencers:

TrendHERO: This special service allows you to check an influencer's audience quality, engagement rate, and other metrics.

HypeAuditor: With this tool, you can verify the authenticity of an influencer's followers, detect fake engagement, and track their growth over time.

Instajet.io: This Instagram native integration service offers automated payments, campaign management, and real-time reporting. With Instajet.io, you can simplify the process of ordering advertising from influencers and ensure that your campaigns are executed smoothly and effectively.

Manual Verification

If you're on a budget, you can also verify influencers manually. Here are some things to look out for:

The ratio of subscribers to likes and comments: One of the most important factors is the ratio of an influencer's followers to their engagement. A good indicator is if the blogger is liked and commented on by at least 5-10% of their subscribers. For instance, if a blogger has 100,000 followers, their posts should have around 5,000-10,000 likes and comments. If their engagement rate is significantly lower than this, it could indicate that their followers aren't genuine.

The quality of comments: Another important factor to consider is the quality of comments on a blogger's posts. Look at the comments and try to get a sense of whether the subscribers are genuinely interested in the topic being discussed. Are they asking questions or providing feedback, or are the comments simply one-word responses like "cool" or "nice"? If the comments seem robotic or generic, they may be from bots.

Blogger activity: It's also important to pay attention to how frequently a blogger posts. If a blogger hasn't posted anything on Instagram or TikTok for three or more weeks, it could indicate that they're not very active on the platform or that they're not reliable.

Post reach and audience: Request screenshots from the blogger that show the demographics of their audience and the reach of their last three posts. This will help you get a sense of their current engagement levels and what type of audience they have. A good reach rate is 30% or more of the number of subscribers.

Number of ads: Take a look at the blogger's profile and see how many ads they have posted. If their profile is filled with too many ads, it could indicate that they're not selective about the brands they work with, which could have a negative impact on your brand's reputation.

Quality of advertising: Finally, take a close look at the blogger's past collaborations with other brands. This will give you an understanding of what kind of product you can expect from the collaboration. Pay particular attention to the format of the advertising. Not all bloggers make quality videos or can attract followers to participate in contests.

Summing Up

In conclusion, finding the right influencer for your B2B marketing campaign can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can be a powerful tool to boost your brand's reach and reputation. Remember to carefully consider factors such as platform, popularity, content, style, and tone of voice when selecting an influencer. Additionally, manually verifying an influencer's account can be time-consuming, but it's a crucial step to ensure that you're partnering with someone who can deliver real results.

When it comes to Instagram influencer marketing, Instajet.io is a platform that can help you streamline the process of ordering advertising from influencers and ensure that your campaigns are executed smoothly and effectively. With a variety of features, such as an open catalog of influencers, campaign management, and real-time reporting, Instajet.io can be a valuable tool to optimize your influencer marketing campaigns. So, keep these tips in mind and give Instajet.io a try to take your B2B marketing to the next level.

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Contact us via the form on the website or email info@instajet.io. Our support team will be happy to help you!